The following important info gives you a guide on how to spot fake Coach handbags. The obvious spot to indicate fake items also included in this info as well as a guide for some of you who love shopping online.
1. Firstly, you may have to look at the outside fabric of the handbag. Generally most of brand name Coach handbags would have the C letter logo on the external fabric. The C brand logo should start at the center of the bag and go out.
2. You have to look at the logo. Fake handbags generally leave the sign of unfinished and incorrect logos. However, it is quite difficult to distinct between original logos and fake logos. This is because if you never have experienced using original brand name, you may not be able to identify the differences between original and fake logos. However, sometimes the maker cannot make an effective replacement of logos, so it is quite easy for us to spot. Therefore, if you are not sure about the different logos, just pay close attention the fabric, it can tell you a lot about the quality and authenticity of a bag.
3. Inner lining of the handbag is also another obvious spot to differentiate between fake and original handbag. The format of stitching could tell you whether it is the good quality handbag. You have to consider the format of stitching if it is sloppy as well as look for original serial number inside the bag. You fill find that authentic Coachs generally has stamped on the inside on a square patch of leather sewn into the lining. However, this practice could only be applied when choosing handbags. This is because many of authentic brand name purses or wallets usually do not have serial numbers.
4. Coach does indeed sell some handbags that say made in China on the tag inside. However, if you happen to see a Coach bag for sale that says made in Korea, forget it. That is absolutely without a doubt a fake Coach bag. There are no Coach handbags produced in Korea, end of story.
5. When examining the Coach bag you're interested in, most have the YKK zipper pull, but a few styles don't have it that are authentic. You may want to enquire about it by contacting Coach, on a bag your thinking of getting.
6. Look to see if the inner lining has the signature logo of Coach. If it does, check to see if the "CC" in the logo is touching as mentioned earlier about the logo on the outside of the bag.
7. See if there is a serial number on the inside the bag. The serial number will be stamped on the inside of the purse on a square patch of leather that is sewn into the lining. Now don't be alarmed, if this is a smaller purse (clutch, swingback, or mini) it will not have a serial number. Those small bags just don't come with a serial number like that.
8. Coach will never send out their handbags with poor quality stitching. When you see stitching that is off line or overlapping, that's a clear indication of very poor quality stiching. Don't give these bags a second thought.
9. Since the majority of Coach handbags have the "C" brand logo on them, this is a good point of scrutiny. The "C" brand logo should always start at the center of the bag and then go out from there. The middle seam will go straight through the middle of the C on authentic Coach bags. Make sure to examine the bag closely at the side seams too. One of the tell tale signs of a fake Coach handbag is the "C" pattern being cut off on the bags. Another thing to take note of is this, on real Coach purses the tip of the "C" always touches the tip of the opposite "C".
Many people love to buy things online because it is so convenient. The favourite places of shopping online seem to be major online such as eBay, and MSN. For eBay, the most obvious thing that you can consider the quality of seller is feed back for the seller. You probably have to check all comments regarding their service. Check out the comments made. If the majority of the comments are negative then this is a good indication that you don''t want to deal with that can't always count on the feedback whether it is Power Seller or not, whether they have 99% or less. They can still slip in fake handbags online and get great feedback for them. Why? because the buyer has no idea they got a fake. How sad.